Friday, April 29, 2011

listen up!

awesome speakers you can take anywhere!

just click the link and scroll down for the "light a candle" meeting list
current faves are matt s, lindsay d, meghan b

Thursday, April 28, 2011


read THE SERENITY PRINCIPLE by Joseph bailey

Our diseases are weeds. Stopping our substance is like chopping off the weed but if the roots aren't pulled out, it will grow back!
Deal with the roots! Bailey helps!
read THE SERENITY PRINCIPLE by Joseph bailey

Our diseases are weeds. Stopping our substance is like chopping off the weed but if the roots aren't pulled out, it will grow back!
Deal with the roots! Bailey helps!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

awesome aa speaker

no bullshit recovery, listen up!

work it where you can . . .

are you setting yourself up daily?
lets work it where we do have choice!
3 types of binge urges:

1. Physical deprivation

This is brought about by restricting your food intake. When your body is lacking certain nutrients you will feel the urge to binge as a result. Your body has to restore what has been lost.
It is important to note that even though you may be binging on large amounts of food, due to purging your body may still be starving nutritionally.

2. Emotional discomfort

This is binging to control or numb unpleasant moods or feelings. An example of an emotional binge would either chronic (a family member is ill) or acute (you failed an exam). Your body is cranking out adrenaline and cortisol. Cortisol increases your appetite for fatty and sugary foods. So, if you are depressed, your body will also use the food as a way to temporarily increase endorphins in your brain.

3. Mental deprivation

This is a result of avoiding certain foods, these may be the foods you really want to eat. An example of a mental deprivation would be feeling like you are denying yourself foods that you are craving, even though your diet may be 100% healthy.
watch all 3 daily! get recovered!

Monday, April 18, 2011

what are you grateful for today?

today i am grateful for my recovery.

i am grateful for the 12 steps
i am grateful for my connection and conscious contact with my HP
i am grateful for my forgiveness with myself
i am grateful to not have my organs feel like there going to burst from food in 3 weeks
i am grateful to KNOW i am powerless over food